Thursday, July 26, 2012

The rest of our court trip :-)

Our room complete w/mosquito net
Psalm 68:6
"God sets the lonely in families..."

OK – truth be told we’ve been home from Ethiopia a few weeks and I can’t exactly pretend like it’s Day 3 so I’m going to sum up Days 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7! 

 I would not trade a moment.  Even though we didn’t initially pass court (Day 3). Even though Yemelek really started to show his mischievous side (Day 4). Photo below:)

Even though my heart stopped and I literally could not speak when we dropped him off at the orphanage (Day 7) – it was still beautiful.

Would it have been nice to pass court while at court?  Of course!  Was it embarrassing when Yemelek pretended not to hear us calling his name and refused to come out from under the kitchen table?  Absolutely!  Did we want to leave him in Ethiopia and start the waiting all over again? No words can ever explain how heart wrenching that day was ….

I say it was beautiful because I have watched God create beauty from ashes.


Our journey started in Uganda with a referral of a baby boy 8 months old.  We will never know what has happened to baby “E” and he will forever be in our prayers.  On April 19th, 2012 I wrote an honest blog about the heartache from the loss of our referral = ashes.  On April 28th, 2012 Russ and I watched a video clip of a 6 year old orphan = ashes.  The week of June 25th a family was born = beauty.

God does place the lonely in families.  Yemelek .... and even baby "E" - were created for a family.  In a perfect world they would be with their parents, plan A.  Because this world is broken - Russ and I are really plan B you could say.  However, our God works in the midst of brokenness and His fingerprints are all over this plan B. I'm so thankful to be where He is at work. 

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