Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blessings In Hard Times

Psalm 37:38, “For the Lord loves justice and will not abandon His faithful ones.  They are kept safe forever, but the children of the wicked will be destroyed.” 

To say that the last 2 weeks have been unbearable would be an understatement.  Russ and I received some devastating news about our adoption --- this “news” we are still protecting our three biological children from hearing at this point. 

Being at the end of my rope emotionally and even spiritually, I forced myself to sit and write every blessing that has occurred during the last 13 months of our adoption process REGARDLESS of our heartbreaking situation. I knew God had not left us, I knew we were called to adopt and at this point I just needed to see that in black and white.

Within minutes, my page was full and I was on my second then on to my third sheet of paper.  Included were things like: Russ 100% committed to God’s call of adoption for our family, our children are broken for the poor and the fatherless, deep Godly friendships have been created, our church is gaining awareness of the orphan crisis and feeling called to action.  Lorie Newman, (check her blog here ) one of my orphan crazy friends put it best in her text to me last week, “God wastes nothing.”

After all my blessings were written, I decided to go back over them and write down a scripture that came to mind as I read them.  One of the first verses that came to mind was Psalm 37:4, “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  That is true – if our passion lines up with His will God will see it to fulfillment.  But I needed to see more in Psalms 37…..

1) I was very angry with people and processes.  Satan wants to destroy families.  Therefore, he is against adoption.  People and processes will be used to stir up anger in order to keep the righteous from walking in obedience and victory.
Verse 1: do not be agitated by evil doers
Verse 8: refrain from anger & give up your rage

2) God will deal with the wicked and the battle is won.
Verse 2: they wither like grass
Verse 9: they will be destroyed
Verse 13: the Lord laughs at them because the day is coming
Verse 20: the wicked will perish
Verse 40: transgressors will be eliminated

3) I still need to do my part.
Verse 3: trust the Lord and do what is good
Verse 5: commit my ways to the Lord
Verse 7: be silent before the Lord and wait on Him to act
Verse 39: salvation is from the Lord

4) God will not abandon us OR our child during this time.
Verse 18: the Lord watches over the blameless
Verse 23: our steps are established
Verse 26: we are a blessing to Him
Verse 28: He will not abandon His faithful ones

Even though things do not look at all like we had hoped – we must count our blessings.